Money Smart Week Wisconsin
Financial Literacy Resource Center
Asset Builders of America, Inc.
Wisconsin Credit Union League
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions/Your Money Matters
Wisconsin Financial Literacy Report
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Financial Literacy
The knowledge and skills set forth in the personal financial literacy standards cross all grade levels and disciplines. A comprehensive, developmentally appropriate pre-kindergarten through grade 12 program can promote personal financial literacy throughout numerous curricular areas.
Wisconsin Standards for Personal Financial Literacy
The 2020 Wisconsin Standards for Personal Financial Literacy were developed collaboratively by Wisconsin educators and industry stakeholders from banking and credit union associations. The group used insight from those embedded in the field and public feedback to develop an updated set of standards focused on improving student ability to understand, evaluate, and communicate information about money and financial services.
The Wisconsin Financial Literacy Report
In January 2011, the Wisconsin Financial Literacy Report was released by the Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy with an interim view of Wisconsin’s financial literacy legacy and its future. The report offers a summary of Wisconsin’s many achievements with recommendations from Council members who issue a bold call for new actions to build upon these successes. It offers a vision for the future and specifies critical areas where financial literacy leaders must continue to take new actions.
Planning Curriculum in Personal Financial Literacy
Developed to be used with the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for Personal Financial Literacy, the Planning Curriculum in Personal Financial Literacy was released in 2009. It can help guide districts and educators in the planning of a program and lessons to promote financial literacy PK-12.