Wisconsin Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy
An Independent Affiliate of the Jump$tart Coalition
Wisconsin Jump$tart is a group of individuals who promote financial education and literacy in Wisconsin with a passion!
We focus our time, energy and resources on a number of financial education activities, events and projects. A major area of emphasis is financial education for students.
We are all-volunteer, non-profit and represent Wisconsin businesses, government agencies, financial institutions, education organizations and individuals. The Wisconsin Jump$tart Coalition is an independent affiliate of the national Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. The national Jump$tart Coalition is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1995, the coalition includes more than 100 national partners and a network of 51 state affiliates that share a commitment to #afinlitfuture and to working collaboratively toward common goals.
If you share our enthusiasm and wish to get involved, we would love to hear from you.
About Us
Our mission is to help Wisconsinites foster the skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources, with a particular focus on the youth.
The 40 supporting organizations comprising The Wisconsin Jump$tart Coalition, are working together with educators across the state to increase financial capability, wellness and security. Working together we can make a difference.
- Support teachers so that they may educate our youth regarding financial literacy.
- Raise awareness of the need for financial education.
- Work with other individuals and organizations to promote financial literacy.
Board of Directors
The following officers and directors comprise the Board of the Wisconsin Jump$tart Coalition
David Mancl
Department of Financial Institutions
Richard Entenmann
Asset Builders
Brenda Campbell

The Wisconsin Jump$tart Coalition has formed the following committees in order to achieve its goals.
Education Materials and Programs Committee
Charge: To identify educational institutions and their proven resources, materials and programs.
- Identify relevant financial educational materials and programs from Jump$tart members
- Promote National Jump$tart Coalition’s curriculum clearinghouse
- Propose ways in which these resources can best be made available to the parties that would use them
- Identify any gaps that need to be filled
Outcome: Index and identify what these resources would be and what age group. Also have contact information.
Economic and Personal Finance Education Policies
Charge: Promote personal finance education in all Wisconsin schools.
- Demonstrate that existing personal finance programs and resources can be incorporated with current state education standards
- Look for public and private partnerships to provide financial education
- Work with PTAs, PTOs and public officials
- Explore legislative proposals to promote financial education
Outcome: Raise awareness about and level of participation of schools offering financial education in the classroom
Awareness Committee
Charge: develop unique, creative and proactive ways to disseminate the Jump$tart message to its target audience.
- Develop a media campaign in collaboration with a youth organization
- Work with other committees to promote Wisconsin Jumpstart’s mission
- Develop a strategy to have children teach adults about finances
- Develop fresh ideas for education tools, methods and funding for promoting financial education
- Implement a high profile media campaign promoting the importance of financial education for youth
Outcome: Wisconsin will know more about financial literacy, available resources and the collaborative efforts of Wisconsin Jumpstart Coalition.

Get Involved
There are many ways that organizations or individuals can become involved with the coalition.
Join the Coalition! If your organization or you as an individual are actively engaged in promoting personal financial literacy amongst youth, we invite you to become a member.
Support the Coalition! The Jump$tart Coalition is a charitable 501(c)3, not-for-profit organization. As such, in-kind donations such as the printing of promotional materials or hosting of meetings and events are greatly appreciated. The Coalition also welcomes monetary contributions.
Make a difference locally! Organizations and individuals can make great impact at the local level. Here are just a few ways that you can make a difference:
- Financial Institutions: Volunteer to work with a local school or district to provide classroom presentations or teacher support.
- Educators: Incorporate personal finance within your curriculum. Personal finance has been taught successfully to students of all ages and within many core and elective subjects. For more resources, go to Clearinghouse and search according to your grade and subject matter.
- Policy Makers: Consider ways to incorporate personal finance education into your school’s curriculum and teacher professional development programs.
- Parents: Begin teaching your child about personal finance at a young age and continue to reinforce these skills. See the Links section or visit the Clearinghouse for more ideas on teaching your child about personal finance matters.
The following organizations and individuals are members of the Wisconsin Jump$tart Coalition.
Pam Anderson, Community Volunteer
Get Smart Wausau Coalition
Sara Baird, Assistant Director
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Mary Breunig, Business, Marketing and Information Technology Teacher
Governor’s Council on Financial Literacy
Erin Bykowski, Financial Educator
University of Wisconsin Credit Union
Alia Carroll, Small Business Consultant & Outreach Specialist
Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative, Inc. (WWBIC)
Joel Chrisler, Social Studies Teacher
Sauk Prairies Schools
Michael Collins, Professor, Director
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Amy Crowe, Financial Education Specialist
Summit Credit Union
Richard Entenmann, Director
Asset Builders of America
Victor Frasher, Director of Community Engagement
Educators Credit Union
Frank Habib, Interim Executive Director
Hallie Lienhardt, Assistant Director
UW-Madison, Center for Financial Security
David Mancl, Director
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI)
Laurie McDonald, Director of Community Impact
Kenosha United Way
Cheryl Rapp, College Investment Program Finance Officer
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI)
Cassandra Krause, Communications Manager
Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA); Executive Director, Wisconsin Bankers Foundation
Sarah Wainscott, Vice President of Government Affairs
Wisconsin Credit Union League (TheLeague)
William Wilcox, President
CBM Credit Education Foundation, Inc.
The Wisconsin Jump$tart Coalition gratefully acknowledges the following organizations and individuals for their generous in-kind and monetary support of the Coalition.
CBM Credit Education Foundation, Inc.
Community Bankers of Wisconsin (CBW)
Cuna Mutual Group
Economics Wisconsin
Edgewood College
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Northwestern Mutual
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA)
Wisconsin Credit Union League (WCUL)
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI)
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD)
Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce